Author: Sally Frank

The Bindu

A Year Removed from The Bindu

Mar 15, 2021 | Sally Frank
Today marks 1 year since we closed The Bindu yoga studio,... more
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Pillo Health Medication Adherence DIgital Assistant

How IoT is Changing the Pharmaceutical Industry –...

Feb 1, 2020 | Sally Frank
For the recent IoT Signals report, commissioned by our... more
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IoT sensors and wearables revolutionize patient care

Jul 23, 2019 | Sally Frank
When was the last time you or a loved one went to the... more
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WIO: A Helping Hand

Jun 12, 2019 | Sally Frank
Since 2015, I’ve visited the Hogar Belen orphanage in... more
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Just A Dog

Jan 13, 2019 | Sally Frank

Seventy-pound dogs take up a lot of space The enormous... more

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On the Road Again . . . and Again and Again

Sep 3, 2018 | Sally Frank
It's been a while since I posted, but I have a really good... more
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Still Ringing in My Ears

Jun 9, 2018 | Sally Frank
A few months ago, Scott and I visited the Oak Island... more
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digital literacy at hogar belen

The Digital Literacy Program at Hogar Belen

Apr 23, 2018 | Sally Frank
Last year Don Morrison wrote about Wellspring International... more
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My Personal One Word Philosophy

Mar 31, 2018 | Sally Frank
Why a personal philosophy If you follow me on social media... more
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kick in the shin

A Kick in the Shin

Mar 13, 2018 | Sally Frank
This past week, I attended an industry convention It was... more
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At 12 years old

Shame & Silence

Nov 16, 2017 | Sally Frank
(this post contains graphic details, not suitable for... more
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Monkey Mind

The Hard Work of Yoga

Nov 8, 2017 | Sally Frank
For my yogi friends Does this feel... more
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